The Essential Region Scope Tool

Featured: Stylistic Effects

As a man who has spent the last decade creating videos, I can tell you that nothing is impossible in the world of video. If someone asks me “Can we do X?”, the answer is always yes. That is, of course, not the same answer I would give to someone asking me “Can we do

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Using the Essentials with Titler Pro

Featured: Stylistic Effects

  Here at NewBlue, we have a simple approach. If we run into a problem, we make something to fix it. What started as a small collection of problem-solving plugins has evolved over the years into an authoritative collection of software designed to make the lives of video editors easier. We’ve found that both ourselves

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How to use the new Lifestyle Collection

Featured: Titling

So, you’ve just gotten the new Lifestyle Template Collection and you’re excited to use it. But how do you use it? And where is it even located? We’ll answer those questions and more today! Soon you’ll be on your way to creating professional, engaging titles for your next project. To locate the Lifestyle Collection, click

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VIGNETTE: Instant Gravitas To Make More Impact

Featured: Jonathan Moser Blog Series

• Vignetting With More Controls, Options and Flexibility to Enhance Drama


You’re looking for a new way of adding more drama and impact in your shots and simple vignetting’s not working.

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The All New Lifestyle Collection

Featured: News

From fashion, to marketing, and even architecture, one credo has always remained constant: fads come and go. What was “in” yesterday is “out” today. The world is constantly evolving, and every business wants their consumers to see that they are evolving with it. From a branding perspective, this means every piece of marketing and media

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GAMMA CORRECTOR: Fast and Furious Level Correction

Featured: Jonathan Moser Blog Series

• Corrections For When You Really, Really Need To Get It Out The Door ASAP.
• Basic Controls Speed Up The Process

A concert shoot, a night scene in a reality show, a night time crime scene…

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Stream Deck and Audience Engagement

Featured: How To

  When Live-streaming started to rise in popularity, I was reluctant to jump on board. I didn’t see how I could transpose my approach from the editing room to the broadcast. Still, I am very much a believer in the “learn by doing” school of thought. So despite my reluctance, I downloaded OBS, wrote an

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MOTION BLUR: There’s Fast and Then There’s Faster

Featured: Jonathan Moser Blog Series

• Customizing Streak and Speed Effects Intelligently


The ad agency’s theme for their product is “Speed”. They ask: What can you do that’s cool and trendy to enhance and enforce that idea, and…we have no money.” They don’t know what they want, but when they see it, they’ll know it. It’s up to you.

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CUT AWAY: Hiding In Plain Sight

Featured: Jonathan Moser Blog Series

• One Step/One Video Layer Image Highlighting Useful In Multiple Situations


It’s breaking news. You’ve been given video of a crowd shot and you have to highlight one individual in a sea of faces. It’s always a hassle…

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