Intro to Video Editing

Color Correction and How ColorFast 2 Can Help

Featured: Color Correction

It’s widely known that marketers use color psychology in their advertising efforts to evoke emotions, influence buyer behavior, and increase sales. But why does this matter for video editing?

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The Most Common Video Editing Terms You Should Know

Featured: Intro to Video Editing

Here are the Common Video Editing Terms You Need to Know Listed are the Top 30 video editing terms you should know whether you are a professional or you are just beginning. Intertwined in this list, there are some broad video editing terms that refer to videography as a whole as well as video editing

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Video Editing Software

Intro to Video Editing (Part 2): The Rules of Video Editing

Featured: How To

What Are the Rules of Video Editing? There are many rules of video editing, but we’ve narrowed it down to the top 10 that every video editor should follow. 1) Don’t Jump Jumping occurs when consecutive shots of one subject change point of view. Beware if you are editing an interview, make sure to put

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Rules of Video Editing


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