Top 5 Video Editing Accessories For Your Workstation

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As an editor, your workstation is your second home. It’s the only place you spend as much time as your own bed (if you’re lucky). So why not get the accessories to improve that time spent, just like you would a new comforter or pillow? Here are 5 accessories that editors can use to enhance their workstation and quality of life (without breaking the bank).

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Top 5 Resources for Free Stock Images to Bookmark

Featured: Resources

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a free picture is worth at least double…right? We think so too. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the best 5 resources for free stock images. These websites allow you to access thousands of flexible high-quality photos and incorporate them into any project for free.

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Quickly Fix Your Shaky Footage with Stabilizer

Featured: Quick Fixes

Stabilizer is one of our favorite plugins in the Essentials 3 Ultimate bundle because it allows you to quickly remove jittery and unwanted camera movement from your footage. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how easy it is to take a hand held shot and turn it into a smooth, steadicam-like shot in under 3 minutes.

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Powerful Time Saving Tools for Everyday Editing

Featured: Quick Fixes

Wishing you had a set of tools that quickly fixed your most common editing challenges? Well, the search is over. Essentials 3 Ultimate delivers the quick fixes you need for everyday issues like distracting camera flashes, video stabilization, lens distortion and much more. With 275 presets in 24 workflow-optimizing plugins, see why this tool is trusted by thousands of editors.

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Camera and video equipment

Discover Essential Time Saving Tools for Every Editor

Featured: Quick Fixes

Essentials 3 Ultimate comes with 24 plugins and over 275 time-saving presets that help you correct color balance, fisheye distortion and touch up rough or wrinkled skin. Take a few minutes to watch this informative tutorial and learn how to get the most out of Essentials 3 Ultimate.

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Transitions Will Keep Your Story Moving. See How.

Featured: Scene Transitions

Transitions 3 Ultimate comes with 37 plugins and 400 presets of light, color, motion and more to move your audience from scene to scene. Take a few minutes to watch this informative tutorial and learn how to get the most out of Transitions 3 Ultimate.

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Learn How to Create Compelling Social Media Templates

Featured: Titling

In this tutorial, Sean illustrates how easy it is to take an existing social media template and completely transform it to fit the needs of your prodcution. Now there isn’t a social media channel you can’t create for your T.V. show, web series or commercial.

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40 New Professional Social Media Video Templates

Featured: Titling

We’re excited to announce the brand new Social Media Video Templates for Titler Pro. Now you have the ability to instantly mimic popular social media posts, looks and highlights to keep your audience engaged across platforms.

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Strategies for Post, Live Broadcasts, and Automation

Featured: News

For many content creators, developing high-quality titles and graphics can be a real pain. There’s never been much money to be made in the process and yet, having great looking titles and graphics that pop are an integral part of the creative process.

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Turn the Tables with This Vegas Style Lower Third

Featured: How To

We’ve had so much fun at NAB this week that we’ve decided to create a Vegas style lower third template in Titler Pro. Follow the steps below to create your own from scratch or hit the download link after the jump to download our project file.

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