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Top 5 Video Effects for News Editors that are Efficient

News videographer filming George Lucas

Journalists are now being asked to juggle video with inefficient video effects tools as part of their already crowded job description. Not only do they have to be everywhere all the time, but now have to shoot and edit their own news stories in a shrinking timeframe.

That’s why we’ve rounded up a list of the Top 5 NewBlue Video Effects that are perfect for news video editors.

1. Titler Pro 4

Broadcast lower third video effect using Titler 4 Pro

Surprising your producer with a stunning lower third or intro title never hurts. And Titler Pro 4 helps you deliver with a range of broadcast-ready preset templates. Each template is customizable through the Title Designer which also empowers your to create your own branded titles.

2. Roll

Roll is one of our most popular transitions with all types of video editors. It’s also one of the classic staples of news editing due to its swift and fluid nature. It pushes your story along without distracting from your content’s narrative for a smooth and cohesive piece.

3. Background Generator

Background Generator uses video effects to fill in the empty space from a vertical video of a march

Dealing with vertical video is one of the biggest headaches for a news editor. While camera phones have allowed anybody to capture an event as it unfolds, most people are unaware of the issues that vertical videos create. Background generator makes it easy to create a full-screen background to accommodate any vertical video without disorienting the image.

4. Color Fixer Pro

The news doesn’t wait. Sometimes it’s not practical to set white balance correction when chasing a story. That’s when recovering some of that true-to-life color becomes a necessary task. Color Fixer Pro makes it easy to quickly balance color in your shot. Whether you found yourself in bad lighting or had to just point and shoot, Color Fixer Pro gives you the flexibility you need.

5. Quick Pixelator

Pixelator uses video effects to blur out pedestrian's faces

Another news classic, Quick Pixelator helps pixelate faces in interviews or B-roll. This is helpful when protecting a source’s identity or respecting the privacy of the public in wide establishing shots with just a few clicks.

As the role of a journalist keeps evolving, video skills have become an indispensable asset in current and budding journalists. These effects provide quick solutions to everyday news story production. Did we miss any of your favorites? Let us know if the comments below!


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