Part 15 of 24
COLOR FAST 2: Painting a Pretty Picture…and Secondary Color Correction Too!
- World Class Color Correction and Grading With Lots of Tweakability
- Secondary Color Correction and Great Auto White Balance
You have very unevenly-shot material with white balance problems. Not only are you being expected to fix these problems, but you’re then told they have no budget for online grading and it’s all up to you. You also see your editing system doesn’t have secondary color correction…what the ?!
With over 60 presets in the package, it’s quite possible you’ll hit the magic button with just a few clicks. But if you have to get your hands dirty, you have a lot of variables you can tweak to get you home in time for dinner. While many native Color Correctors have a lot to offer, ColorFast 2, in addition to the presets, gives you some added features like region controlled scopes, skin tone isolation, and the powerful secondary color correction which you can choose to disable to simplify your task. It’s an extremely powerful tool if your native color corrector just can’t hit the mark.
Eyedropper white balance is quick and easy, and a nice skin mask allows skin color selection in order to soften blemishes and maintain skin tonality…even while addressing other color issues.
There’s a lot of features that make this a powerful tool…not the least is a final output correction mode that allows global corrections to your final outputted image. This app is loaded.
And for a final splash, there’s a choice of six output scopes to measure color vectors, luminance, a histogram, RGB Parade and more.
ColorFast 2 Videos
ColorFast 2 Sample
ColorFast 2 Overview
ColorFast 2 is available on its own or as part of our Filters 5 Ultimate collection.