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Titler Pro 7 Tutorial | Title Designer Best Practices


Learn how to leverage Titler Pro 7’s unique suite of powerful tools to make your projects more flexible and boost your productivity.

Titler Pro 7 is a game-changing titling tool for video editors. Deliver exceptional production value with stunning 3D animated titles and motion graphics, without sacrificing productivity. Titler Pro 7 integrates with all of today’s leading NLEs; use it as a plugin within your favorite editing software, or as a standalone application.

Titler Pro is also included in TotalFX, our comprehensive post-production toolbox.  TotalFX provides the most extensive titling package with Titler Pro plus an extra 200 design templates and After Effects file import, as well as NewBlue’s entire suite of 177+ plugins across filters, stylizers, transitions, and more.

Titler Pro 7

Titler Pro 7

Titler Pro 7 is the easiest way to create stunning titles across all editing platforms.

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